Dec 28, 2020
In this message, Pastor Michael shares how God has moved in the midst of the events of this year and how he believes God will continue to move in Wellspring and throughout the world.
Dec 21, 2020
Very few people have a vision for their eternal future, outside of escaping hell or living a somewhat boring existence in heaven. God has something much better for us.
In this message, Pastor Michael talks about the New Jerusalem as a place, as a people, and as a Divine Presence. If we don't have a tangible heavenly...
Dec 14, 2020
Many people would like to eliminate God's Final Judgement because they don't understand the necessary and good purposes behind it. In this message, Pastor Michael explores what that judgement will be like so that we will be ready for it when it comes.
Dec 7, 2020
Does the 1000 year reign of Christ, described in Revelation 20, come before or after the return of Christ? In this most controversial of subjects, Pastor Michael helps us see through the haze so that we can see our pain and suffering from heaven's perspective.