Jun 24, 2018
To live on God’s Word means more than just obeying the commands; it means believing the promises, even when we fail to obey the commands. - Michael Rowntree
Jun 18, 2018
Join us for part two of our Holy Habits series, A Lifestyle of Worship. A lifestyle of giving God worship requires a lifestyle of receiving God's grace.
Jun 11, 2018
Join guest speaker, Orlando Terrero, as he shares his heart on how he connects with God through prayer and fasting!
Jun 4, 2018
In today's sermon, Michael shares 4 ways we can overcome the pain of God's silence. He shows us that we can always go to Him, even when our emotions are raw and our faith is in shambles. God is not a pouty toddler who punishes our weaknesses with silent treatments. He's the King of the Universe who died and rose...