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May 25, 2020

Do you know, in the deepest places, that God delights in you? Sometimes it's easier to believe that God loves us (as in, He protects and provides) than that He likes us (as in, He delights in us).

In this message, Pastor Michael shows us how God redefined our relationship with Him, so that we could relate to Him...

May 18, 2020

Change changes the way we relate to one another. In this message, Pastor Michael explains from the Book of 1 Peter how we can respond to change in a way that keeps our relationships whole.

May 11, 2020

The world defines power in terms of position, policy, platform, and profit. God defines power as the grace that saves the world. In this message, Pastor Michael explains the way we receive and impart grace in the inter-generational disciple-making family of God.

May 4, 2020

We tend to think that life is a journey from one career, or one geographical location, or one life stage to another. But all of these are really just background scenery in a greater journey of knowing God. 

In this message, Pastor Michael talks about knowing God as both "Shepherd" and as "Host", so that we can make...