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Jun 22, 2020

Social sciences and the scripture agree: it is not good for man to be alone. In this message, Pastor Gary Kirksey shares his "life message" about the importance of relationships and the keys for maintaining good ones.

Jun 15, 2020

This week’s “lie” is “What I do doesn’t make a difference.” Do you ever feel that way? There’s a way to live in which we transform “mundane” into “meaningful,” and it all comes back to the role of resurrection in our everyday lives. In this message, Pastor Michael helps outline these connections.

Jun 8, 2020

What's wrong with the world? And what will set it right again? In this message, Pastor Michael answers these questions by contrasting the Christ-centered Gospel and the me-centered Gospel. The difference lies in what we are ambitious for. In light of our nation's racial divisions, Pastor Michael closes with a...

Jun 1, 2020

What was the day of Pentecost really about, when God poured out His Holy Spirit? Why did God grant the sign of speaking in tongues?

In this message, Pastor Michael shows us how the baptism of the Holy Spirit answers these questions, as well as our feelings of inadequacy.