Mar 30, 2020
In this message, Guest Speaker Michael Miller tells the story behind this Denver church plant, which Wellspring is supporting. He does this in the context of teaching us how to love God, love people, and make disciples.
Mar 23, 2020
How can we remain calm in troubled times? In this message, Pastor Michael teaches us about the role of worship in leading us to peace of mind and heart.
Mar 16, 2020
Unless our security is in something that can't be shaken, we will be shaken. All the power for life-change rests between your ears. The greater the struggle, the greater the reward for those who overcome it. When our hearts are aligned with Jesus, we shine the light of Jesus.
"Lord, know if I change my mind, You will...
Mar 9, 2020
It's debatable whether the world is becoming more scary, but without a question, the world is becoming scared. How can the church take global events seriously, without succumbing to the world's paranoia? "Behind the Scenes" is out brand new series over the book of Revelations - an "unveiling"of Jesus Christ, and...
Mar 2, 2020
The world speaks out of both sides of its mouth when it comes to sex: on one hand it says sex is no big deal, as long as you both consent. On the other hand, it glorifies sex as a god, to be pursued at all costs. In this message, Pastor Michael teaches us how to avoid both extremes--maintaining the beauty,...