Oct 28, 2019
If you’ve ever struggled with feeling like a failure or like you’re not enough – you’re not alone. The Apostle Paul felt that way (and so have I!). This week we’ll talk about what it looks like to overcome that, and to define success as God defines it.
Oct 21, 2019
This is the third week of our series, “Bucket List,” and our passage will reveal with great clarity how “prophecy” operated in the lives of everyday church folks. The title of the message is, “Fork in the Road,” because we all need to hear God’s Voice when we stand at one of those forks. If we want to...
Oct 14, 2019
Join us as Dave Willis continues our series, Bucket List!
Dave teaches us about the race God has set before us and how God's definition of "winning" often looks different from the world's definition. God's definition of winning in life and in faith really come down to simple faithfulness and obedience as we put our...
Oct 7, 2019
What would you do if you only had a week to live?
Your answer will depend on whether your'e thinking with an eternal mindset.
In "The Urgency of the Ordinary", Pastor Michael shows us the way God loves to meet us in the midst of our ordinary.
He also teaches us how spiritually enriching communion can be if we know how...