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Jul 27, 2020

Lots of people debate the timing of "the Rapture" and "the Great Tribulation." When will these things be? Will we have to endure the Great Tribulation? How will God protect us?

In this message on Revelation 7, Pastor Michael answers these questions and more. In the process, you will learn about the "army" God is raising...

Jul 20, 2020

It's exhausting trying to keep up with all the end times teachers' false predictions. But we would be mistaken to give up "end times prophecy" altogether. There's a way to connect the dots of current events with God's Word, without falling off the cliff into "end times insanity." In this message, Pastor Michael helps...

Jul 14, 2020

This week Pastor Michael is back with a message reviewing our mission as a church now and looking to the future.

Jul 6, 2020

This week, Youth Pastor David Hayes continues the My Life Message series with a message about what worship really is and what it looks like.